Saturday, January 2


Happy New Year

Thursday, December 3

I know a dog like this!


Hong Kong city-scape

HONG KONG IS CRAZY BEAUTIFUL....most skyscrapers in the world!!!!

For those wondering....

This is the worldwide Carbon Emissions for 1980. Although America appears to be the biggest contributor, as it seems by this map; the US is number 5 on the list for carbon emissions with 16.3%. [Luxembourg was number 1 with 28.9%]

This is the worldwide Carbon Emissions for 2000. Again America appears to be the biggest contributor; the US is number 7 on the list for carbon emissions with 19%. [Qatar was number 1 with 64%]

Also note the growth in emerging countries like China and India. Neither of which were in the top 10, for either chart. We'll see in 2020.

*These figures taken from the United Nations Development Program’s 2004 Human Development Report.
**These figures are per capita. Amazing considering America has the most vehicles & carbon emitting technology in the world.

Sunday, November 29


Apparently lightning strikes the tops of buildings that stand 2,600 ft tall.
Who would have ever thought about this?

Another big one...

Although all construction on the foundation has been put off until January 2010, this is still quite noteworthy. This is the Nakheel Tower [formerly: Al Burj], developed by Nakheel [rival to Emaar, developer on Burj Dubai]. This building will be the pinnacle to all other skyscraper construction projects in Dubai's ever rising skyline.

The potential contractors taking on the project are Samsung Corporation [South Korea, built Burg Dubai], Shimizu Corporation [Japan], or Grocon [Australia]. This building is designed to reach 1,400 meters [4,600 ft] and have 200 floors or more. It's estimated there will be 150 elevators with the main lift traveling nearly 125 mph [200 kph], fast enough to go from ground to the 2,788 ft [850 m] mark in four minutes. The tower will house a facility for 10,000 or more vehicles, this should satisfy the residents of the ultra-luxury apartments. Other amenities include "high star" restaurants, a health club, an observation deck, and sky gardens.

There could be some further delay in the process, due majorly to the overwhelming developmental debt and the world real estate slump. Previous figures for competitor Burj Dubai put a rather small studio out just shy of $800k, with these increasingly beautiful buildings the price is sure to only rise.

Dubai Article 1
Dubai Article 2

Santa...where'd you go?

New York City residents will be seeing a little less of Old Saint Nick this year, again, continuing last years trend. "Sidewalk Santa" has curbed more of their workers, consisting exclusively of former homeless men. The program, providing food vouchers for families unable to afford holiday meals, will still be in full swing this year online. This due almost enitrely to the economic deterioration of the US and the world.

Design Milestone

This would be so awesome. First in Dubai, then onto New York and Moscow.

Saturday, November 28

Dubai becomes leader!

Burj Dubai will be the tallest building in the world upon completion, though it has already earned that title. The building has reached 2,559 ft (780 m), equaling 160 stories. This building "realize[s] the aspirations of mankind to reach to the sky" [according to: William F. Baker in Engineering the Structure of the World's Tallest Building]. South Korea's Samsung Corporation is the main contractor on the project, but it is stated that there are upwards of 30 contractors on site. Opening it's first section earlier in 2009, this building will only continue to grow in years to come. The majority of the building will be used as residential space. Other amenities will include executive offices, an observation platform, and multiple restaurants. Interested in picking up a nice pad in Dubai? A 669 square foot studio in the Burj Dubai will run you $762,530 [2,801,000 AED], just contact the people over at Emaar Properties. This is the most fasinating project ever undertaken by man, yet it is impossible not to compare it to the Tower of Babel.

Christmas Classics

Recommended Christmas Movie List

Family Veiwing
It's a Wonderful Life
Miracle on 34th Street [Original]
A Christmas Story
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Home Alone
Jim Henson's The Muppet Christmas Carol
The Santa Clause
The Polar Express

Adult Viewing
Bad Santa

Excited for this!!!

Available to Rent on December 1st
Available to Own on December 15th

Jeremy Piven and Ving Rhames star in this hilarious used car salesman movie.

I'm excited, because I missed it in the theater.

Cold in China...

Reports came in from Reuters that the Chinese Government have ordered 3 state owned gas companies to stock up their Natural Gas stockpile; while they look for crude oil based gas from importers. The US could capitalize on this and create jobs by pumping about oil from our own soil. Though I am not personally for domestic oil drilling, this could be a highly profitable venture for the government and a relief to the ever growing deficit.

*Towngas of Hong Kong was not named directly, the logo only acts as a Chinese gas reference. Towngas provides 85% of the household gas in the territory.

Black Friday...did it work???

Best Buy, Macy's, Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, Costco, Home Depot, Lowe's...the list goes on and on, all the companies finish down on the NYSE today. So did it work? I'm gonna go with a solid NO! I anticipate big discounts throughout the entire holiday shopping season; it's this or I'd imagine it will be time to start thinking about liquidation for some! Bargain hunters and "professional" shoppers are in for a treat either way.

Glitch in the Russian Transportation System

Bad News for Russia....

-A train has derailed and the incident has been accredited to 25 civilian deaths.
-Three cars jumped the tracks; causes unknown, yet the officials have yet to rule out terrorism.
-Upwards of 90 people injured in total, though the number has yet to be confirmed.

Thursday, November 26

NFL Thanksgiving

Traditionally Speaking ...

The "Turducken" game has been hosted in Detroit since '34 and Dallas since '66, yet the talk on the town is to uproot these traditional games.

What are the active solutions on the table?

>>>" is now time to evolve and get some new “action” in that slot." [according to: Matt Minkus on Tuscon Citizen]. Valid point, America does want to see a good game, but is that not the case with every game from every team on every match up. How can the league predict the capacity of the game before it is played?
>>>"The NFL — whose TV ratings are its biggest business as it pockets about $3.7 billion annually in network rights fees — is as flexible as a yoga master." [according to: Michael Hiestand at USA Today] Are you suggesting we uproot classic American tradition for a bigger profit? Someone must be paying Michael for his lobbyist article. Thanksgiving is the most solid American tradition, one of few things the entire country can agree upon ( see: eating ). Suppose it would be all the same to move Thanksgiving to Friday, cause that's a more popular day. Traditions are traditions for a reason.

If a switch in the Turkey Day lineup was inevitable the only fair option would be to give it to the superstars of the NFL. How to decide that? Well the Cowboys, Steelers, and 49ers have all won 5 Super Bowls each as a franchise, should that be the three games? Should the previous years Super Bowl appearances be given the slot and one wild card game?

Here's an idea...let the NFL do what the NFL is going to do. As of now, they are not even deliberating over the matter.

Green Bay Packers [ 34 ] @ Detroit Lions [ 12 ]
Oakland Raiders [ 7 ] @ Dallas Cowboys [ 24]
New York Giants [ 6 ]@ Denver Broncos [ 26 ]