Thursday, December 3

I know a dog like this!


Hong Kong city-scape

HONG KONG IS CRAZY BEAUTIFUL....most skyscrapers in the world!!!!

For those wondering....

This is the worldwide Carbon Emissions for 1980. Although America appears to be the biggest contributor, as it seems by this map; the US is number 5 on the list for carbon emissions with 16.3%. [Luxembourg was number 1 with 28.9%]

This is the worldwide Carbon Emissions for 2000. Again America appears to be the biggest contributor; the US is number 7 on the list for carbon emissions with 19%. [Qatar was number 1 with 64%]

Also note the growth in emerging countries like China and India. Neither of which were in the top 10, for either chart. We'll see in 2020.

*These figures taken from the United Nations Development Program’s 2004 Human Development Report.
**These figures are per capita. Amazing considering America has the most vehicles & carbon emitting technology in the world.